
The Pan African Center for Community Studies was originally established in 1973 as The Black Culture Center, and was created to answer Black United Students’ demands for the University to recognize the African American community, articulate the need for a Black Studies Program, which is now called the Pan African Studies Program, and create a Black Cultural Center. In keeping with its changing mission, in 1998, the Black Cultural Center was renamed the Pan African Culture & Research Center. In 2002, the Center underwent another name change, and is called the Pan African Center for Community Studies. From its founding, the Center has provided opportunities for students and the community to experience the educational excellence, leadership, and legacy of African Americans offered by the University.



在里面Akron黑人历史和文化的Shirla R. McClain博士,您可以看到帮助发展和塑造这座城市的非裔美国人的历史和经历。它也是PAN非洲社区研究中心研究活动的展示场所。该中心的黑人历史讲座系列继续带来一流的知识分子与更大的阿克伦社区分享他们的研究。