



有关其他信息,请参阅注册商的网页, 这家庭政策合规办事处以及以下信息。










要检查和审查教育记录,学生将首先向下面列出的FERPA协调员提交书面请求。请求应尽可能准确地识别学生希望以何种方式检查和审查,以使FERPA协调员找到记录并使其可用的方式进行检查和审查。FERPA协调员将与学生进行安排进行检查,这将尽快发生,但在没有案例之后,从收到学生的请求后迟而不比四十五日。The University may refuse to allow the student to inspect the student’s parent’s financial statements, statements and records of recommendation prepared by university officials or submitted with the student’s application for admission which were placed in the student’s records before January 1, 1975 or to which the student has waived his or her right of access in writing, and records that are excluded from the definition of educational records in the University’s Policies and procedure for student records. Where the University provides a student with a copy of all or part of his or her educational records, the University will charge four cents per page for duplication and a mailing charge, if applicable.


学生应该首先尝试通过与记录托管人讨论它来解决问题。If the records custodian cannot change the record to the requestor’s satisfaction of or if the record is not obviously incorrect, the records custodian will provide a free copy of the record to the requesting student and ask that the student file a written request to challenge the record. The student’s request for a change should be in a writing that identifies the record the student believes to be incorrect and indicate if it is inaccurate, misleading or violates the student’s privacy rights and if so, why. Before forwarding the written request to the FERPA coordinator, the records custodian will add material to support the refusal to change the record.

Ferpa协调员将审查该请求,与适当的大学官员讨论,总结他或她的调查结果,提出建议,并将所有相关材料转发给大学的总统或指定者。总统将建议FERPA协调员是否或否改变。如果总统同意变革,Ferpa协调员将指示合适的个人改变。If the President does not agree to the change, the FERPA coordinator will notify the student in writing of the decision and the reason for it, as well as the student’s right to request a hearing or to include an explanatory statement in the record detailing why the student believes the record is incorrect.


If the President does not agree to the change, the FERPA coordinator will notify the student in writing of the decision and the reason for it, as well as the student’s right to request a hearing or to include an explanatory statement in the record detailing why the student believes the record is incorrect.

如果学生要求听证会,总统或其指定人员将任命听证会员,而FERPA协调员将安排听证会的时间和地点并通知学生。听证会后两周,或者在可能的话之后,听证会员将根据主席的听证会和建议提供来自听证会的证据的摘要。总统将通知FERPA协调员该大学的决定,如果合适的话,FERPA协调员将指示适当的官员进行改变。无论大学的决定如何,FERPA协调员将通知学生大学的决定。If the University elects not to make the change, the FERPA coordinator will provide the student with a written summary of the evidence presented at the hearing and the reasons for the University’s decision and inform the student of the right to include a statement in the record explaining why he or she believes it is incorrect.




The University may also release education records without student consent in the following circumstances: at the student’s request, in connection with a student’s request for financial aid to determine eligibility, amount or conditions of the aid or to enforce the terms and conditions of the aid, to organizations conducting certain studies for or on the University’s behalf, to accrediting agencies for accreditation purposes, to the student’s parents where the parents claim the student as a dependent for income tax purposes, to comply with a lawfully issued court order or subpoena, to appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency, where required by Ohio law adopted before November 19, 1974, to an alleged victim of a crime of violence (results of university disciplinary proceedings against the student as the alleged perpetrator only), to appropriate government officials in connection with certain state or federally supported education programs only. For further information about disclosures that may be made without a student’s consent, please see the University’s Policies and procedure for student records.


只有合法性教育利益的大学官员可能会发现学生的教育记录。betway苹果The University of Akron defines a University official as a person employed by the University in an academic, administrative, support, supervisory, or research or support staff position, a person appointed or elected to the Board of Trustees, or a person employed by or under签订大学进行特殊任务。A University official has a legitimate educational interest if the official is performing a task specified in his or her position description or contract agreement, performing a task related to the student’s education, performing a task related to the student’s discipline, or providing a service or benefit relating to the student or student’s family, such as health care, counseling, job placement or financial aid.




betway苹果阿克伦大学的FERPA协调员是大学注册商,其办事处在SIMMONS HALL中,其电话号码是330-972-8300。